In this module, platform users may report incidents through work requests, which may be filled out and managed on the platform as appropriate.
How to enter the Work Request module?
To enter the Work Request module, look for the module in the top left menu of the main bar of the platform and click on "Requests" and then on " Work Requests".
When clicked, a new window will open with all the work requests that have been made in the system with their corresponding statuses.
The states in which an request can be found are as follows:
Open: Status in which the request has not yet been processed.
In process: State in which the request is in the process of creating an unscheduled task, before becoming a pending task or a Work Order (WO).
WO in Process: State in which a request is once it has been planned and converted into a WO.
Solved without WO: Status in which the request has already been resolved without having generated a WO.
Cancelled: Status of a request that has been cancelled.
Solved with WO: Status in which the request has already been resolved through a WO.
Waiting for another WO: State where the request has been sent to the pending work management module and is waiting to be executed in a WO.
WO in Review: Status in which the request has already been generated as a WO and is under review.
WO Canceled: Status in which the request was generated in a WO, which was subsequently canceled. (In this case, the tasks associated with the WO return to Work Queues View)
Work request deleted from To-do: State in which the request was removed from the Work Queues module and must be scheduled again from the work request module.
Rejected: Status of a request that was rejected.
Awaiting another TO: This status applies when a request previously had a Work Order (WO) assigned to it, but that WO was cancelled. The task that was not executed returns to the pending tasks category under this status.
Created in guest portal: Status indicating that the request has been generated through the guest portal, meaning that it comes from an external user or guest.